Guidelines for abstract preparation and submission
General information for Authors:
To submit an abstract, Authors do not need to be ISCU member.
Registration will be required when the submitted abstract will be accepted. Only registered authors will be able to present / publish the abstract.
Presenters are responsible for all expenses related to submission and presentation of the abstract.
Eligibility: Abstracts which have been presented in other conferences, or published before will not be eligible for consideration and/or presentation.
Abstract submission details and deadlines:
Abstract submission opens October 28th, 2024.
Submission deadline is January 17th March, 2025
Notifications of the acceptance status will be sent by Feb 1st, 2025.
Accepted abstracts will be published in echocardiography journal electronically July 2025 issue of the journal.
Editing and review:
Authors must follow all instructions for completing their online submission.
After the submission and editing deadline, all abstracts will be considered as final version and will be forwarded for review
Abstract preparation guidelines:
Author Name(s)
There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author may submit. If the abstract is accepted, the presenter must be one of the co-authors listed.
Authors should not be listed by initial only.
Submission of identical abstracts from the same authors or institution is prohibited.
Abstracts of original science-contents should be under four sections:
Abstracts of clinical cases-contents should be under four sections:
Clinical findings, imaging findings, discussion, conclusion
Abstracts are limited to 2000 characters (excluding title or authors).
Each abstract may include up to 3 graphics and /or tables. The submission site supports gif and jpg graphic formats.
Maximum five (5) abbreviations is allowed within the body of the abstract. No abbreviations should appear in the title.
References, key words, or grant support should not be included in the submission.
Author or institutions should not be included in the title.
Title should be written in bold.
Abstract categories:
Echocardiography in systolic /diastolic function
Echocardiography in valvular heart disease
Cardiac CT
Cardiac MR
Imaging in myocardial/pericardial disease
Imaging in special cardiac conditions (cancer, pregnancy and others)
Imaging in adult and pediatric congenital heart disease
Imaging in coronary artery disease
Publication, presentation of accepted abstracts:
Both abstracts of original science and case presentations will be published as submitted in the July 2025 electronic issue of ECHOCARDİOGRAPHY journal (Official journal of İSCU).
Scientific committee will determine the presentation time and format of all accepted work.
All presentations and question and answer periods will be in English.
Each presenting author is required to disclose any conflict(s) of interest with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device companies, or any financial affiliation with any organization(s).
Abstract withdrawal: Abstract withdrawal requests should be emailed to